Exotic Tour

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Rejestracja: 15 lis 2004 17:36
Ulubiony utwór: Everything Counts
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Exotic Tour

Post 25 sie 2016 12:45

Co tak naprawdę działo się z Fletcherem podczas Exotic Tour, że po Manili i dwóch ostatnich koncertach w Hong Kongu, wrócił do domu (marzec '94)?
Używki czy psychika?

Dzięki za jakieś większe info. ;)
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Post 26 sie 2016 17:09

Pewnie jedno i drugie.
"Idę spać bo nienawidzę ludzi" - Murzyn
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Rejestracja: 18 lip 2013 12:07
Ulubiony utwór: Motyle
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Post 27 sie 2016 00:58

O używki bym go nie podejrzewał (choć wtedy to i taki nonsens nie byłby wykluczony...) - w tym przypadku pewnie psychika szwankowała od amerykańskiej części Devotionala.

Inna sprawa, że podmianka za Bamonte właściwie niczego nie zmieniła.... ;)
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Rejestracja: 24 cze 2011 22:37
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Post 24 wrz 2016 19:11

Ale, jeśli wierzyć biografiom, wypić wtedy lubił (delikatnie mówiąc) i na myśl o Davie miał niezłe schizy. Ponoć już przy nagrywaniu Violatora miał problemy, które mogły się spotęgować. Mógł też mieć serdecznie dosyć niektórych ludzi (Gahan, Wilder). Ale wciąż mamy zagadkę tych konkretnych koncertów, kiedy odszedł na jakiś czas od reszty zespołu.
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Rejestracja: 15 lis 2004 17:36
Ulubiony utwór: Everything Counts
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Post 21 sie 2024 11:51

książka pisze:There were three limos. They put up with each other on stage and at the occasional record company dinner but that was it. Pretty horrible, really.

Christmas came and went with Wilder only able to enjoy a short break because he and Lyon had to fly to a studio in Milan for three weeks to prepare a new version of the show for South Africa, Australia, Asia and South America, plus the second leg of the American tour. The opener, ‘Higher Love’, was replaced by a dynamic version of ‘Rush’ which sparked into life with a thrilling techno sequence. Wilder also reworked a trip-hop version of ‘I Want You Now’.

Meanwhile the band’s vote to do a second tour of America in outdoor ‘sheds’ was not unanimous. Gahan and Wilder had been the most aggressive in pushing for further dates, Gore was also in favour but Fletcher was adamantly against it. He had the support of Daniel Miller, who believed the group were risking ill health and permanently damaged relationships if they put themselves through this relentless, extended schedule. ‘The second American tour was where Fletch bailed out and that’s where it went really nuts,’ explains the Mute boss. ‘There was a big split in the camp about the second leg of the tour. I’d gone along to quite a number of dates and you couldn’t really speak to Dave because he was locked in his dressing room; Martin was drinking a lot and not enjoying it at all; Fletch was very tense and Al was very distant. There were three limos. They put up with each other on stage and at the occasional record company dinner but that was it. Pretty horrible, really. Then this idea of going back to America came up. I personally was against it and very vocal about it. Fletch obviously couldn’t deal with it. But there were a lot of reasons why they did it. The other members of the band felt they were on a roll, a party they didn’t want to stop.

‘There was also a financial aspect to it. The production had been very expensive up to that point. They’d lived it up in terms of costs – suites in the most expensive hotels, the band paying huge bar bills every night, we’re talking about lots of money. I think there was a realization that they hadn’t made much profit on the tour and so there was an element of, well, now that we’ve started, let’s keep going and make it more of a financial success. There were some elements who felt that was important. And they did cut down production costs on the American tour. But I was against it, the American record company were against it, Fletch was against it, and everyone else was for it. The American record company and me both felt, they’ve done America, there’s no new product in the market place, they’re in bad shape, this isn’t going to do them any good from a career point of view. And I don’t think it did. If they wanted to make a lot of money out of it and that was the sole purpose of it, then so be it, but they came out of it completely shot to pieces.’

Malins, Steve. Depeche Mode: The Biography
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Posty: 8705
Rejestracja: 18 lip 2013 12:07
Ulubiony utwór: Motyle
Lokalizacja: woj. wałbrzyskie

Post 22 sie 2024 00:42

Jeden pogrążony w depresji, drugi na granicy życia i śmierci, trzeci przepity, czwarty przepracowany... a na trasie i tak efekt końcowy lepszy niż przez większość TTA czy TOTU.
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Posty: 6250
Rejestracja: 24 cze 2011 22:37
Ulubiony utwór: World in My Eyes
Lokalizacja: właściwa
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Post 22 sie 2024 01:06

Inni ludzie, inny etap kariery, inne podejście. Ale, tak, Exotic >> TOTU.